Senin, 13 Februari 2012

I received an award!

Sati at cinematic corner gave me the Liebster blog award, thanks for thinking of me!

The rules are that the winners (in this case me) have to pay forward to other people whose sites are worth the recognition. If they accept the award, they should: thank the person who nominated them; nominate five other favorite blogs with fewer than 200 followers, and copy/paste the Liebster Blog Icon into their post.

Here are my picks. Congratulations to the 5 winners of the Liebster blog award below! I urge you to check out their sites when you get the chance

Inspired Ground: Andina is a good friend, from Indonesia, we have known each other for a while in the blogosphere, I was her first blogger friend to leave regular comments on her site. She's one of the friendliest and most warm-hearted bloggers I've met, and always answers comments with a smile. Her posts and reviews keep improving, and her number of followers continues to grow. A fellow LAMB, so mostly movie-related, and occasional music posts. She used to be on blogspot, so that counts in my book ( :

Alex Withrow, the author of And So It Begins, is not afraid to speak his opinion, be it positive or negative reviews of film. A cinephile from the US with a love for many of the famous directors of past and present. Judging from his top films of 2011, I think we have a similar taste, both enjoying independent cinema. He only has 42 followers, should have a lot more! He is fairly new to the LAMB.

From India, Shubhajit has been called 'king of capsule' He writes in English, and I have known him for some time now. He is articulate, says much with few words, my vocabulary improves by reading his film reviews. He is a self proclaimed cineaste, with a capital C I might add. You can tell he has a passion for film and Shubhajit also enjoys discussions in the comments on his site. Has an eclectic taste, enjoys cinema from all over the world, English-language, and foreign language film.

The newest discovery on the list is a great site I found by writer Lisa Thatcher. From Australia, she pens interesting articles and reviews, and has a wide range of interests, books, film, and music. Oh, and did I say Lisa is a real writer.

Indiehere Since 50 percent of my blog is music, a shout out to a music blog where I frequently find lesser known tunes to enjoy, and what's brilliant is you can stream the tracks on his playlist. Updated often. Indie. here. Enough said.

Sorry to those I didn't mention, if I had made a top 10 a few more internet-friends would have been included ( :

Happy blogging, and hope my tips are useful! I try and stop by and leave comments on your blogs/sites as often as time allows. All these different countries...I do get about, don't I !

Cheers to everyone who share their thoughts on my blog.

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